About me

I'm Tim Mitchell, a professional creative copywriter. My work grabs attention, informs, evokes interest, inspires, creates response and adds untold value to my clients' communications and how they engage with their target audience.

I have the somewhat unusual ability to translate quite a complex subject into coherent, understandable, persuasive copy that will really mean something to who reads it.

I'm very flexible in the styles I write in and the range of topics I write about …for consumers, for businesses, for pretty much anyone. I'm also flexible in the ways I can work with you.

If I don't have experience in your sector or specialism, I'll learn about it, unless it's something so complex I'd need a doctorate to understand it (in which case I'll gracefully decline).

An ex-Account Director in a London ad agency, I can take a strategic view of your requirements and help you with your brief, as well as being able to write the words and headlines.

To find out more about me, please see my LinkedIn page

Published online

BBC website

© BBC.